Financial Infographic For Elearnmarkets

A financial Infographic was created to help first-time investors in stock markets. It talks about the steps they need to take to start investing in shares.
Financial Infographic For Elearnmarkets

Project Brief

Create a financial Infographic for a financial education company

This financial infographic was designed for the blog of a client providing online education in finance. It discusses the steps to be taken by first-time investors in the stock markets of India.

Elearnmarkets Logo

About The Client

Elearnmarkets is a pioneer in spreading financial literacy in India. With hundreds of courses, articles, webinars and videos on every aspect of investing, they have revolutionized the landscape of financial education in the country.

The Project At A Glance

svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48"%3E%3Cg fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke linecap="round" stroke linejoin="round" stroke width="4"%3E%3Ccircle cx="24" cy="12" r="8"%2F%3E%3Cpath d="M42 44c0 9.941 8.059 18 18 18S6 34




August 11, 2015

svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns="" width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32"%3E%3Cpath fill="currentColor" d="M30 24v 2h 2.101a4.961 4.961 0 0 0 .732 1.753l1.49 1.49l 1.414 1.414l 1.49 1.49A4.961 4.961 0 0 0 24 18.101V16h 2v2.101a4.961 4.961 0 0 0 1.753.732l 1.49 1.49l 1.414 1.414l1.49 1.49A4.961 4.961 0 0 0 18.101 22H16v2h2.101c.13.637.384 1.229.732 1.753l 1.49 1.49l1.414 1.414l1.49 1.49a4.961 4.961 0 0 0 1.753.732V30h2v 2.101a4.961 4.961 0 0 0 1.753 .732l1.49 1.49l1.414 1.414l 1.49 1.49A4.961 4.961 0 0 0 27.899 24zm 7 2c 1.654 0 3 1.346 3 3s1.346 3 3 3s3 1.346 3 3s 1.346 3 3 3M12 6h4v2h 4z"%2F%3E%3Cpath fill="currentColor" d="M6 28V4h16v9h2V4c0 1.103 .897 2 2 2H6c 1.103 0 2 .897 2 2v24c0 1.103


Content Marketing,
Graphic Design